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Thinking About Going Home

Before you come into the hospital there may be things that you can do to make your home ready for returning.

Below is a checklist of items that you may want to think about:

  • Put the things you use frequently in places where you can access them easily.
  • Have good lighting and ensure that lighting is easy to switch on and off at night.
  • Think about whether your chair and bed are a good height for you, if not think about buying or borrowing something suitable.
  • Think about a chair in your bathroom so you can sit to wash.
  • Make sure you have a stock of food in the house and anything else you are likely to need daily. Think about making some meals to freeze them for when you first return home. Have food that is quick and easy to prepare, and that you will want to eat.
  • Think about and plan your arrangements for getting to and home from the hospital.