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Emotional Wellbeing

Penumbra WELL

(Well Empowered Linked Locally)

WELL Aberdeen Service can offer individuals who are 16 + practical and emotional support if you’re experiencing mental health challenges, including self-harm or thoughts of suicide. Their support is offered on a one-to-one basis for a fixed period of time. There are also opportunities to participate in group workshops and other activities.

WELL Aberdeen (Well Empowered Linked Locally) - Penumbra Mental Health

Silvercloud Space for/from programmes

Silvercloud Space from/for programmes offer support for stress, sleep, covid-19 and resilience.

Access Code: Scotland2020

Mood Potatoes

A free mood tracker app to support emotional wellbeing and help identify any triggers to poorer mental health.

Mood tracker app | Mood Potatoes

Public Health and NHS Grampian: Self-Help Guides

Various guides to support with emotional wellbeing around various stressors and diagnosis including alcohol, abuse, depression, domestic abuse, controlling anger and many more.

Published: 28/03/2024 14:56