General Information


There is a Hospedia system at every bedside which gives you access to a telephone, TV, email and the internet.  For further information please visit the Hospedia website.

There is also a trolley phone in each ward; all are coin-operated.  In the main reception there is a direct link telephone to a taxi company.

You can use your mobile phone in many areas of the hospital. However in some areas you can't use your mobile phone as the signals can affect vital medical equipment.  Please check with staff if you are unsure.


Car seats

Babies and young children must always travel in an appropriate car seat. Never use a rear-facing baby seat in the front of a car where an airbag is fitted (unless it is switched off). If using a front-facing seat, position the car seat as far back as possible. Should the car have airbags in the rear, check the car manual or contact the manufacturer to see if it has been tested with a car seat fitted and get a copy of the research results before fitting the seat.

Before you take your baby home please make sure you know how to secure your type of car seat in your car correctly.


Hospital chapel and chaplains

A hospital chaplain is available to meet you or your relatives at any time, day or night.  Chaplains are willing to visit anyone - people of any faith or none.  Please ask a member of staff to contact a chaplain for you or you can phone (01224) 553316 (e-mail:

More information about the spiritual care at our hospitals.


Contacting Aberdeen Maternity Hospital

The way you contact Aberdeen Maternity Hospital has changed. There is now one dedicated phone line - the maternity triage telephone service. 

You should access this service if you have any concerns about your pregnancy or think you may be in labour. The number to call is 01224 558855. 

This number is staffed by a registered midwife 24/7. The midwife will be able to answer your query and, if necessary, arrange for you to come in to the hospital for assessment. 

You can call this number direct at any stage of your pregnancy, no referral is necessary. This dedicated service means parents-to-be can get clinical advice from an experienced midwife 24/7.

Please note, your community midwife contact details are NOT changing. The telephone numbers for the outpatient department; Scanning, Day Assessment Unit and Antenatal Clinic are NOT changing. In an emergency always phone 999. 

Published: 27/07/2023 15:55