Neuro Rehabilitation Unit (NRU)

Neuro Rehabilitation Unit

  • NRU is a 12 bedded rehabilitation unit based at Woodend Hospital, serving the population of Grampian, Moray, Orkney and Shetland.
  • Patients who are admitted have a neurological disorder, such as an acquired brain injury, spinal injury, or multiple sclerosis. Referrals are considered on an individual basis by the Multi-disciplinary Team.  
  • The Multi-disciplinary Team (MDT) consists of Nursing, Medical, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy (OT), Speech and Language Therapy (SLT), Dietetics and Neuropsychology staff. 

  • There is access to a specialist Posture and Movement, orthotics and wheelchair service if required.   

Patients should be referred if:

  • There are identified goals requiring in-patient rehabilitation.

  • There are specific issues which may need to be addressed include spasticity management, posture and seating, cognitive assessment, speech and swallowing difficulties, bowel and bladder problems.

  • Multidisciplinary assessment, to determine their further rehabilitation or care needs is required.

  • They require assessment of their level of awareness following severe brain injury.

If you wish to discuss a possible referral, please call the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine on 01224 556091/556582 or e-mail 

Further useful information can be obtained from:


Published: 31/05/2022 15:48